There are many resources for missing pets. Please notify our county shelter (931) 484-8525 their address is 782 East Ln, Crossville, TN 38555. Please note we are NOT the shelter.
Missing Pet pages on Facebook:
Create a free paw boost alert: this will go out to area rescues and shelters.
Post on next-door :
Most importantly please post flyers around the area your pet is missing in. Bright neon posters with limited information. You want people to be able to read them as they are driving by or during a quick stop. Lost dog/cat at the top a photo even if black and white in the middle and a phone number at the bottom. Example to the right
Please notify your chip company if your pet is microchipped.
Please notify our county shelter (931) 484-8525 their address is 782 East Ln, Crossville, TN 38555. Please note we are NOT the shelter.
If you cannot hold onto the pet until the owner is found or keep it safe please contact animal control at 931-484-6176.
Post to Missing Pet pages on Facebook:
Create a free paw boost alert: this will go out to area rescues and shelters.
Post on next-door :
Go to your nearest vet or rescue to have pet scanned for a microchip-this service is free.
If the pet has a rabies tag you can use this link to see which vet gave the rabies vaccine. Search by year and number:
Please note that it is illegal to re-home an animal without holding for 7 days trying to locate the owner. You wouldn't want someone to re-home your pet. Just because the owner doesn't post on Facebook doesn't mean they aren't looking. If after this time you haven't found the owner and would like to give it to us please complete the surrender form and we will take it into consideration. If you are unable to give a forever home to the animal but would like to foster it fo us please complete a foster application here :